Denise DelGrosso Gilliland

My story begins in 1995. My maternal grandmother was in the hospital dying of cancer. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1983, was in remission for 12 years, and unfortunately had a reoccurrence that metastasized to her lungs. I was pregnant with our third child, but I did not know if I was having…

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Lisa Work

Savoring Life and Living Well. At the beginning of 2003, I was a single mom of two daughters (ages 9 and 11). I had been a single mom for four years. Little did I know the amount of change I would be experiencing over the next 12 months. The year began with so much anticipation…

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Sherry DelGrosso

A Survivor’s Toolbox For Cancer and Life. My story began on April 9, 2010. My daughter Sofia and I had a full day planned to celebrate my husband’s 40th birthday. At 11:34am, the phone rang. The doctor and I exchanged pleasantries for a brief moment. The answer could not come fast enough! I felt as…

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Tana Martin

Kicking Cancer’s Ass since 2005. When I was 36 years old, my sister who is 10 years older than I am, was diagnosed with breast cancer. Before hearing that news, we were not aware of any family history of breast cancer. Since I was at an age where some doctors like to have a baseline…

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Karen Moyer

The year: 1992 I was a single, 34 year old woman, with no family history of breast cancer. I had never even had a mammogram. Before the diagnosis, I remember sharing my concerns with my teammate, Jadine. “Something just doesn’t feel right in my left breast.” She encouraged me to contact my doctor and check…

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